3 Reasons Why Samadhi is Such a Mysterious Concept

Samadhi is the final limb of the eight-limbed path of Yoga (Ashtanga). The other seven limbs include ethical guidelines, prana control, asana mastery, concentration, etc. Although most yoga literature lists the eight limbs of yoga in the same order, the yogin does not have to follow that order. You do not have to master one limb and then move to the next one. Everyone has a unique way of tackling them. But the last one, Samadhi, definitely requires mastery of the other seven limbs.

What is self-realization? Who am I?

Why is it so hard to answer this question without using the titles we have acquired through life? Who am I under my clothes, behind personas I put on, devoid of titles I gathered from external institutions?
The yoga tradition has invested thousands of years in carving out a path of self-realization. I will explain why this idea of self-realization can be so eluding and why it is essential. I will employ terminologies from Western Philosophies to make the topic more tangible.

Yoga teacher: Why a slow yoga flow is better than a fast one?

Sometimes yoga teachers teach a class where you keep transitioning from one pose to the other with each breath. Other times you end up in classes where you hold poses for several breaths. In this article, I want to discuss why some people prefer a fast flow and why it is not the most beneficial option for them….