What Makes You Strong? Reclaim the Forgotten Aspect of Your Inner Fire

We come into a world where power is predefined. The powerful people of our planet have a lot of money and a lot of control. We live under the illusion that the more you possess, the stronger you are. That is not true. The more you possess the more you have to lose. When we are afraid of losing things we build defenses around them. The thing is that as we build defenses to keep dangers out and away, we also imprison ourselves within our defenses.

Why not just meditate? Why we need other yogic practices?

I hope, now, it is common knowledge that yoga’s goal is not doing a handstand or any other Asana. Asana is just the seat for meditation. Meditation is the ultimate yogic practice. Yoga is all about consciousness.

Yoga gives us tools to alter our mental state to break our limitations to the point that we are limitless.