Embracing the Female Body

I have been working on embracing my moon cycles after years of heavy cramps. Then I read about this idea of looking forward to my next period. That idea made me realize that I still had so much to do until I genuinely embrace my bleeding.

Strengthen your Intuition: 6 steps to strengthen it!

As Carl Jund describes it:

Intuition is perception via unconscious.

Because it is a function of the unconscious, it does not have logical reasoning behind it. We are living in an age where logic and reason are highly overrated.

Intuition, do you know what exactly it is?

After decades of undervaluing intuition, it is finally getting some attention. We use the word ‘intuition’ more frequently in our daily lives. It is a huge thing, especially in the yoga world.

Yet, what doesn’t mean? What is intuition?